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Selasa, 19 Januari 2021

My Little Experience of Photography

Photography becoming part of my life about 4 years ago. I began to learn it in my career as apprentice at an institution. I have had other skills other than photography. Therefore, I still need the skill because every single activity needed a photographer for either freezing moments or documentation. So, those all were my reasons to learn photography. 

I remember the time in 2014. When I did an archaeological project in Lembah Bada, Center of Sulawesi province. I and other people in the team had each role and it was shifted sometimes. At a time of discussing to shift roles, there was a statement said by me. It was “apapun peran itu akan saya terima, asal jangan memotret” or “whatever the role, I will take it while it is not a photographer”. The statement I said clearly described how small my interest in photography. 

But my mind had changed, exactly in 2016. The situation in my workplace at the time forced me to learn photography because the skill was extremely needed for documenting every single activity. So, I started to learn photography from zero. Where should I start? The question was kept in my mind for days. Then I remembered the time when I took a job as a photographer in alumni gathering of archaeology Hasanuddin University in 2012s where I was forced to do the job. At the end of the activity, my senior checked the results of my job. She said “Kenapa sedikit sekali fotomu?!” or “Why are there a few photos?”. I could not answer the question. Then, that became my first lesson of photography. If you are the beginner, then just take a lot of pictures.

I have no idea anymore to continue this writing..